Calgary Police Rodeo Association donation to Jr Chaos
We are thrilled to extend our deepest gratitude to the Calgary Police Rodeo Association for their generous donation to Jr Chaos.
The Calgary Police Rodeo Association puts on a rodeo in August of each year and our benefactors are the Missing Children Society of Canada, the Children's Cottage Society and various local Cochrane non profit organizations. This Kory Gach was able to work with Jesse Nickle of the Chaos hockey. Jesse organized a great group of girls that attended the rodeo and were tasked with the recycling and refuse for the day. The volunteer work performed earned the Chaos hockey family a donation from the Calgary Police Rodeo Association and Brody Gach, who is a CMHA member of the U11AA BVTW group and is also a junior director for the rodeo and Brody suggested that the Chaos receive the donation this year.
Thank you to Jesse Nickle, the Chaos girls and the community for supporting the CPRA each year as it allows up the opportunity to give back each year.