Hockey in the Rockies

Hi there everyone!

As you all know, we are quickly coming upon our local Cochrane tournament.  

The following request has come from the organizing committee and I wanted to share. 

As co-hosts of the Hockey In Rockies tournament coming up in only a few short weeks, we need to work together to secure some more donations! We are in desperate need of some sponsorship as half of our raffle table is intended to come from donations according to licensing. 

It would be greatly appreciated if everyone could please reach out to their employers, business partners, MLM friend, etc.

We are always sure to include a tag recognising any business or personal contribution to give thanks and exposure. This can be in the form of a basket, company swag, monetary contribution, gift card,, we certainly aren’t picky as everything and anything is greatly appreciated!

For those unable to secure a donation, perhaps you could consider a personal contribution of a bottle of booze to the liquor raffle! 
Also, if anyone doesn’t have any leads personally but is interested in joining the committee and doing some door knocking for donations, please let me know.

The more help we can get securing donations, the better! We have an awesome reputation for our tournaments that we want to uphold!


Please don't be shy, feel free to put your hand up to help out with the above. 

We will also recieve a volunteer list shortly and I will need each family to put in some time to contribute your time. 

Thank you Sponsors

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